08 May 2011

Pretty much

we're skipping town at 6:00 am tomorrow morning.

I feel like crying a little.
I'm going to to miss my family so much.
I'll miss having my inlaws upstairs.
My friends will be spread across the country.

Keep me company on here guys...
I'm scared I'll be lonely again.


  1. You're going to have such a good time! I'm so jealous you're living near the beach again, seriously. Call me if you're feeling lonely, cause chances are- I'm feeling the same way! Travel safely.
    Love you.

  2. I vote you and I both blog lots :)
    Because if anyone blows up this time...we won't have to see them the next Monday xD

  3. i miss you guys already. i wanted to cry all day because i am missing out on all the fun.
    love you. drive safely. see you soon.
