- 9:00 am yesterday morning. Headed down to Idaho Falls with ALAN.
- 12:30. bridal shower put on by some ladies in my home ward. They were very generous and gave me LOTS of great things.
- 3:00. Wedding errands with meine Mutter. Wore me out!
- 6:00. met the photographer. planned out the wedding day. one word: hectic. ahhh!
- 7:30. Finished up Christmas shopping and got on my way back to Pocatello with alan.
- 9:00. Slid into cement barrier with Alan less than a mile from his house. And might I mention that we were extremely lucky not to have been badly injured. Alan's Jeep emerged without a scratch, besides a messed up alignment. Alan did not get hurt, and my back and neck are a little out, but nothing serious at all. Did i mention we were lucky?
- 11:00 am today. Started moving into our new apartment. We are exhausted and we still have alans stuff to move in. So far, only ALL my shiz is there. and there was a ton! As I type, Al is packing up his room and i am relaxing on here. We'll be here for a while. HA
Anywayzzzzzz, i this it is safe to say that the next 10 days will go by quickly, which of course lead to the day we get married. I feel like maybe i should make a separate celebratory post of the 10 day mark. Getting on it..ready, set, now!!!

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