30 August 2009

Ok...so i do apologize in earnest for this big ol' kissy picture that i am so sure only me and Al appreciate, but i deem it appropriate because Saturday was kindof a large day in our story. Saturday was the day that Me and Al drove to Idaho Falls. It was also the day that we went and ate some papa toms pizza. It was the day I got the most expensive thing I own. It was the day that Alan pulled out his patriarchal blessing and showed me my place in his life. It was the day that i watched the boy i love get down on one knee and tell me that he loves me so much and he wants to make me the happiest girl in the entire world and he wants it to be me and him for lifeever. Saturday was the day I said yes and now I have a fiance and also a wedding date. January 2nd. Alan and I will be sealed for time and all eternity on January 2nd in the Rexburg, Idaho temple. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for Alan in my life. And i totally know that this post and now my whole blog is gaggy as heck, but oh my. I am marrying the man of my dreams and I love him so so dearly. I know that we will have a happy celestial marriage. We've both worked very hard to become the people we are for each other. Evil is so prominant in the world and I know for myself, its been a long and hard journey to keep on the straight and narrow and i havent always done the right thing... But ultimately we are so so ready to start taking on the world together instead of alone. And now i am done with the gag. To the right you will see my ring. It is absolutely perfect and I love love love it. And with that i bid you adieu. Or Auf Wiedersehn as I should probably be trying to practice my German.


  1. ohh melissa!


    it's ok to be gaggy (not that you were)....

    but you're engaged!!!! congratulations girl!

  2. MA!
    Seriously I got teary eyed reading this. I am so happy for you, and you definitely deserve the best! And seriously?! How cute is that, that Alan pulled out his blessing and showed you where you fit in his life, what a keeper! Ahhhhhh, I'm jealous. You are going to be the most beautiful bride. You are amazing, and I love you. Congratulations!

  3. :) Its pretty happy making! you girls are so good to read my sappy stories and love them. and invitations to all-y'all!!!
