20 September 2011

22 feels so good

{my ladies and i}

I had the best birthday of my life this year, if you didnt know.
I ended up celebrating for basically 5 days.

i expected this birthday to majorly suck, being that i had school all day + rehearsal.
but it was so great.

Thursday night i went and karaoke'd with some theater people.
it was a party. i know some pretty awesome people.
{and i won $20.}

Friday was actually a long day.
I had rehearsals and a bunch of homework.
BUT alan and i went to red lobster for my birthday dinner.

I went and partied with my family on saturday.
we went golfing and my mommy took me shopping.
and we had a yummy BBQ dinner.
they made my birthday so special.
i love them so much.

Also, my mom made me this doll cake.
she's the best.

My besties from the music department threw me a surprise party on sunday.
they are awesome. we had margaritas and dinner.
and cake!
they hooked me up. I love those ladies!

My actual birthday was monday so naturally i had to go to school, rehearse and do homework.
i probably celebrated the least of all that day.
But my inlaws took me to buddys {yum}
and there were cupcakes for me at rehearsal.

it feels so good to be loved.

& i really loved this birthday.

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